A better way to help the hungry, online. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It doesn’t have to be around the holidays. Any time is the right time to help provide food to those in need. And a Web site called YouGiveGoods.com has made it easier for individuals or organizations to get the items they need. Founder and CEO Patrick O’Neill..
“Various groups come onto our site to set up their drives. And then what they do is, they ask the community that they’re hoping will contribute to the drive to come onto our site. And people can find the drive that they want to support and then they actually purchase the food from us to donate to that drive. And when a drive is over, we deliver all the food that people have contributed to that drive to the soup kitchen or food pantry that the drive is supporting.”
The site again is YouGiveGoods.com. It is a for profit venture, with a social conscience. You can find us with archives, giveaways and more at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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