Using your voice to buy movie tickets. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. With the latest version of Apple’s iOS on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you can connect to Fandango through the Siri virtual assistant. How does it work? Fandango’s VP of Mobile Strategy Mark Young…
“So you speak into your Siri assistant, either by putting in the name of the movie, the theatre or the show time that you would like, and it automatically pulls up by your location what theatre is in your local area. And then once you say buy movie tickets, it takes you into the Fandango movie app and you can complete your purchase.” And you don’t necessarily have to print out a ticket either? “Yeah it’s great. We have a new mobile ticket function which is a bar code where you actually scan your phone with the bar code on it and be able to walk right in the theatre, by-passing the ticket line.”
Again will need the iOS 6.1 update for it to work. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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