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Website offers free services to home businesses:

Techstination feature for Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Web site offering free services for home businesses.   I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear.    There seem to be more people than ever who have started up small businesses at home or at a small office.   And a Web site called PlanetSoho is providing a variety of free tools and services like invoices and billing to help them succeed.   About the approach, Founder and CEO Ron Daniel says….

“First of all when it comes to SOHOs, they are doing different things but their needs are basically quite the same.  They still manage client history, they still manage inventory.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a service or a product, when it comes to SOHO, what we found out is they manage their services and products in a similar way.  It’s true that there are different kinds of SOHOs, but most of them have very generic needs."

PlanetSoho has more than a million users.  It does sell some add on services for low fees as businesses grow.   You can find us at  I’m Fred Fishkin.


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