What kinds of permissions have you given to apps? I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Whether you use them or not, chances are you’ve taken a look at apps and social network add ons that by default, gain access to your email, photos and more. MyPermissions can help you monitor and control what’s going on. CEO Olivier Amar….
“The way we do that is we help people through both a desktop extension and mobile applications both on Android and iOS, see all the places they’ve connected to in the past, all the services, applications and Web sites. And through there, they can choose to manage the applications, either by trusting them, removing them, reporting them and we also let users know, we give them alerts, when new applications connect to their personal information.”
MyPermissions is free and has created a new Trust Certification Program for sites and apps. There’s more info at MyPermissions.com. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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