Square’s new way to send money via email. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Square has made a name for itself with its innovative and often used little reader that allows anyone to accept credit card payments using a smartphone or tablet. Now the company is out with Square Cash. It lets you send payments to anyone by email using a debit card. Director of Product Brian Grassadonia…
“You simply compose an email. In the to: line you put the email address of the person you want to send money to. In the cc: line you cc cash@square.com. In the subject, you just put the dollar amount that you want to send money. And the body you can put anything you want to and you just send the email.”
The first time you use Square Cash you’ll be sent to the company’s Web site to enter your debit card number. It is free to use and doesn’t require any other type of account or set up. Square says the technology it employs makes it secure. There’s more info at square.com/cash. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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