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Turning fitness into games. Blue Goji.

Techstination feature for Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The guys behind Guitar Hero are singing a fitness tune.   I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear.   Kai and Charles Huang have partnered with MyFitnessPal to launch Blue Goji.   The idea….says Kai….is to turn workouts on everyday fitness equipment ….into a video game….

“You’re on an exercise machine, bike, elliptical or treadmill, you use the iPad to play.  You can download games.  And through our unique, wireless hardware that connects with the iPad, you’re allowed to play these games.  The activity you’re generating is actually incorporated into the game.  When you move, your character in the game moves, when you stop your character in the game stops.  The goal is to get people immersed in that experience.”

To make fitness more fun.   The Goji Play hardware is priced at about a hundred dollars.   There’s more info at   You can find us at  I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Video Games | Consumer Electronics