One of the hot toys this holiday season is a robotic dog. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. It’s called Zoomer…a robotic dog from Spin Master designed for kids…that can listen to commands in English, French and Spanish. Global Communications Director Rachel Griffin…
“So he’s great cause all you have to do is literally just tap his little head and say hello. He will wake up and stretch his legs and smile and get all excited. And you tap his head one more time, you’ll see question marks in his eyes which will indicate he’s ready for a command. Rolling over, playing dead, singing to you, telling you he loves you, to even going to the bathroom.”
Don’t worry. There’s no mess. Zoomer sells for about a hundred dollars. It has a rechargeable battery, that uses a standard micro USB cable. Spin Master ha a variety of other interesting techie toys… including the Flutterbye Fairy… a fashion doll that levitates and is controlled by movements of a child’s hand. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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