A point of view camera that’s waterproof from the start. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Consumers have more and more choices when it comes to wearable cameras. iOn America’s new Air Pro 3 WiFi is rugged and waterproof up to 49 feet without the need for add on housing. It’s light weight and with WiFi connectivity…works with Apple and Android devices. Some other features that make it stand out? CEO Giovanni Tomaselli…
“The quality of the video, the frame rates at 120 frames a second in high definition, video frame rates, the still imagery up to 12 megapixels is best in class.”
The camera is about the size of a roll of quarters and is easy to switch on…even while wearing gloves. I’m also a fan of the Air Pro 3’s external mic jack. iON America also has a model with built in GPS. There’s more info at USA.iONcamera.com. That’s I O N. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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