A safe place for your passwords for now…and later. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. PasswordBox is the name of an app and service designed to help you create and store all of those passwords you need for just about everything it seems these days. There’s a free version for up to 25 passwords or a 12 dollar a year subscription model that’s unlimited. It is simple to use….from a Web browser or through smartphone apps. And beyond that…PasswordBox has thought to ask the question…who do you want to give your passwords to after you die? Chief Operating Officer Mag Charbonneau…
“When you have PasswordBox, you are offered that service. So I chose my husband, for example. He knows that I chose him. So if something happens to me, he needs to send PasswordBox a copy of my death certificate. We validate. Once that happens, the trigger is that the content of my box will be uploaded into the content of his box. There’s never an exchange of master passwords.”
There’s more info at PasswordBox.com. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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