Another app to help you find the right wine. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Delectable is the name of an app for iOS that uses the camera on your phone to read wine labels or wine lists. Founder Alex Fishman used to work in government intelligence….and decided to use his talents in the technology world for something tastier…
“So the idea behind delectable is to help you better understand the wines around you. The app makes it really easy to take a picture of a wine. We’ve actually perfected image recognition technology so we can identify the wine in a specific label and tell you more about that wine.”
So you can avoid making mistakes and sometimes that dreaded wine humiliation. And if you are enjoying a bottle in a restaurant…Delectable can help you order some for home on the spot. Again it is iOS only for now…but an Android version is on the way. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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