Fun new flying gadgets from Parrot. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Parrot has been making some of the most popular flying toys for a while now with its A.R. Drone line. Some may object to even calling them toys. But now the company is launched the MiniDrone Jumping Sumo and the MiniDrone Rolling Spider…both controlled by apps. VP Peter George…
“One of the most unique things about the jumping Sumo, as per its name, is it jumps. So you can, through the app, initiate a jump of two and a half feet.”
It arrives this summer for about 160 dollars. The 99 dollar Rolling Spider does more actual flying…
“It’s a really great, great way of introducing the slightly younger demographic into the Drone category. It doesn’t have the front camera but it does have the bottom camera you can take a still image with. And it’s very, very easy to fly.”
There’s also a much more serious Parrot Bebop Drone on the horizon too. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
Categories: | Gadgets | Kids |