Looking to buy a drink for a friend. Yep. There’s an app for that. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. An app called Airtab, launched by entrepreneur Dennis Cunningham…who happens to be the CEO of Perfect Vodka…is designed to let you buy a friend a drink…no matter where in the world you happen to be…
“If it’s someone’s birthday on Facebook or an acquaintance or a business associate or a salesman that’s done well, you could send them a drink. They get to redeem it on their smartphone with Airtab friendly restaurants or bars nationwide that are part of the network of course. In doing such, they can redeem it whenever they want to. They have a locker that will have drinks. So if it’s your birthday Fred and you’ve got 25 cocktails sitting there waiting for you, you could redeem them throughout the year if you’d like to as you travel.”
Airtab plans to let you send tickets to events and concerts through the app as well…available in Apple’s app store. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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