Using tech to safeguard kids around the pool. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. A company called Aquatic Safety Concepts is out with a new Bluetooth wearable gadget called the iSwimband. It initially works only with iOS devices and can be set up to alert parents when a child either gets wet at all or has been submerged for twenty seconds. Co-founder Dave Cutler….says add-ons can make the system more flexible…
“For instance you can pick up one of the waterproof, Bluetooth speakers which you can leave right by the pool without a concern and if there was an event the Bluetooth speaker would sound the alert.”
If the Bluetooth connection is dropped, you’ll get a false alarm. As many as 8 iSwimbands, can be monitored at a time. The battery, which is not replaceable, should have a lifespan of about 750 hours of swimming. The price…about 80 dollars or 50 dollars more for a two pack. There’s more info at You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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