Capturing the storytelling culture of Alaska natives…in a video game. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Never Alone is the name of a multi-platform game arriving later this year, designed to bring traditional stories from natives in Alaska to a whole new audience. It was the idea of Cook Inlet Tribal Council head Gloria O’Neill…who found a partner in E-Line Media…
“We’re hopeful that the gamer really experiences the intensity of what it’s like to be in the arctic and what it’s like to be open to natural helpers in the environment.”
And E-Line Media co-founder Alan Gershenfeld says there were challenges for the game designers who traveled to Alaska…
“The team could not have made this game without spending a lot of time up there just absorbing the environment, but also spending time with the families, with the youth, with the elders.”
You can check out a preview at You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
Categories: | Video Games |