What’s next in the connected home? The view from SmartThings. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. SmartThings…a company that has helped to pioneer the connected home…was acquired by Samsung last year. But that hasn’t changed its focus on open standards…enabling it to work with a wide variety of connected sensors, door locks, light switches, thermostats and more. And the list will expand, says founder and CEO Alex Hawkinson, with the arrival of a new SmartThings Hub this spring. The differences?
“One is that it has a local version of our cloud engine, so it can run apps and otherwise even when your home is disconnected from the Internet. Also, it beefs up the power so it can handle things like camera integration. It’s got back up battery power. And then finally it’s got support for some additional standards like Bluetooth Smart.”
There’s more at SmartThings.com. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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