Wondering what to cook. An app called Handpick can help. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. With so many recipe and cooking apps out there, do we really need another? Handpick…on the Web and iOS…is taking a different approach by curating millions of shared food posts…and matching them with the ingredients you have on hand. CEO Payman Najati…
“We tried to reverse engineer this and we said let’s take it one step at a time, let’s look at first what you have at home. And so you open your fridge and you look into your pantry and you input pretty much everything you have on hand. And then we go ahead and we try to match it with any existing source of content that can give you an inspiration of something you can make.”
Handpick searches through ten million shared food posts for you. Again, it’s on iOS and the Web and soon on Android. You can find us with a full archive of interviews and reports at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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