What could be different about wireless earphones? I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. A company called HearNotes is coming to market with what they call wire free earbuds that aren’t what you’ve come to expect from the usual Bluetooth stereo earphones. They don’t use Bluetooth. Instead they rely on what is called Kleer technology. Founder and CEO Patrick Donohue…
“There are no wires from ear to device and there are no wires from ear to ear, but the transmission of audio is completely uncompromised whereby the music itself is transmitted losslessly and uncompressed.”
HearNotes uses a transmitter that plugs into a headphone jack on your phone, tablet...TV or other source. It and the headphones are re-charged through their all in one charging pad and carrying case. The company is on KickStarter…and is ramping up to begin delivering the headphones next month with a price tag of about three hundred dollars. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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