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What's brewing in the land of gadgets? Fizzics.

Techstination feature for Thursday, June 25, 2015

What’s brewing in the land of gadgets?   How about better beer.   I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear.     In the eyes of many, this gadget could be one of the most important arriving on the market this year.    A start up called Fizzics…spelled …f I z z I c s…has developed and crowd funded a gadget that goes by the same name.   CEO Philip Petracca says it is designed to make just about any kind of beer taste better…

“The system is light weight, battery operated and portable.  It’s very easy to use.  You simply take any size can or bottle or up to a 64 ounce growler, and you’ll place it into the canister.  When you pull the handle forward, we pressurize the canister, and we have a digital micro controller that monitors the rate of flow, so when we’re pouring the beer, during the tapping process, we want to maintain as much carbonation in the body of the beer as possible.”

Tasting is believing.  You can find Fizzics on Indiegogo for about 120 dollars and delivery is promised for later this year.   You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Gadgets