How cool is Amazon’s Echo? I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. Talking to a computer and getting a human like response used to be the stuff of Sci-Fi. Not anymore. Amazon’s Echo is now for sale…shipping mid month….and it is great fun…and useful. By default, it goes by the name Alexa and looks like a typical cylindrical Bluetooth speaker. And it is a decent Bluetooth speaker. But beyond that… you can do things like…ask it if it going to rain, did your favorite team win last night, put milk on your shopping list….or play music by your favorite artist. What I’m amazed by is the speed of the response. Remember, the device is analyzing your voice request in the cloud….and coming back with a response. Sometimes it is almost immediate. And the capabilities are just getting started. Of course, another thing Echo lets you do is use your voice to reorder goods from Amazon. The price, about 180 dollars. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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