A solution for all of your scattered digital content. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. If you’ve been storing your photos, videos and more on smartphones, tablets and on various services in the cloud…finding that picture from last year’s vacation can be a chore. Enter Jumptuit from Transmedia. Install it on your devices and it organizes your digital life. And CEO Donald Leka says now you can bring Jumptuit to your TV screen too….
“It’s a client app, a native app, that you install on your smart TV set top box or you can install it directly on your smart TV and it works with 2015 Sony, Vizio, Sharp and Philips TVs. As well you can purchase set top boxes like the Nexus Player.”
Jumptuit…spelled j u m p t u I t…makes sharing your files easy too. There’s more info at Jumptuit.com. You can find us at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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