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Have a budding filmmaker? StikBots simplifies stop action videos.

Techstination feature for Monday, November 23, 2015

Have a budding film maker in the household?   I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear.    The holidays are a great time to unleash the creativity in kids.   Zing Toys is out with what they call StikBots….to let kids have fun making their own stop action videos.   VP Dan Loerzel…

“StikBots are robots with suction cups on their hands and feet.  By putting suction cups on the hands and feet it allows you to stick a StikBot in all kinds of different poses on any flat surface.  Almost anything except brick or wood grain can be a little tough but pretty much any surface around your house.  They’ll stick there and by having the suction cups it allows the robot to hold a pose.  And by holding the pose it makes it an ideal figurine for stop motion animation movies.”

And the accompanying StikBot Studio app makes that process easy and fun.  The StikBot studio pack sells for about ten dollars.   You can find us at