More innovations from Withings. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. The French technology company Withings has been finding ways to connect our homes and ourselves to the Internet with the emphasis on improving health and fitness. The company’s Withing’s Home HD Monitor now features new functions for a baby’s room. Besides having a camera with night vision and sound, Home monitors air quality, includes a soft night light and can even play lullabies. On the wearables side, Withings has a new Activite’ watch, the 170 dollar Activite’ Steel. Like other Activite’ models…it is designed first as an elegant watch, that can track your activity level too. CEO Cedric Hutchings…
“It’s really important to have some style to these wearables for them to be truly wearable on the long term”
A fitness tracking watch that you don’t want to wear all of the time, won’t do you much good. Another great feature, it uses a battery and never needs charging. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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