Back up power for your devices and even your car. I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear. If you’re looking to carry along a back up battery for smartphones and tablets the folks at Weego have created models that can even jump start your car in a pinch. CEO Gerry Toscani says it can save you from plenty of aggravation when you hear that ominous click click click….
“Besides being completely frustrated, your solution is call for a tow, bring out a big old jump pack or get out jumper cables and wait for somebody to come by. The Weego Jumpstarter eliminates that hassle because it’s a pocket size battery. It literally fits in your pocket. Yet by adding jumper cables that we supply with each Weego, you can start just about any size engine right away.”
Pricing starts at under a hundred dollars. There’s more info at You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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