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Alexa not just on Amazon products anymore

Techstination feature for Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Alexa isn’t just on Amazon products anymore.    I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear.    Amazon’s Alexa voice controlled technology…about the most fun you can have with tech in your household….is now available on Triby…a family friendly Internet connected Bluetooth speaker designed for the kitchen.  It works as a voice over IP phone too and even has a little screen for messaging from the Triby app on your phone.   It’s made by a company called Invoxia, based in France, where managing director Sebastien De La Bastie says…

“We added in the back of Triby, two very strong magnets so you can stick Triby on your fridge so you don’t waste precious space on your countertop.”

The portability is a plus too.  The addition of Amazon Alexa voice services means Triby can do anything an Amazon Echo can do…and a little more even if the sound quality isn’t quite as rich when it comes to listening to music.   The price, about 200 dollars.    You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Consumer Electronics