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An app to help kids learn about making music and more

Techstination feature for Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An app to help kids learn about making music and more.   I’m Fred Fishkin with technology BootCamp, a report on gadgets and gear.      Whistler’s World is a company that aims to inspire children to learn, create and communicate, through the world of music.    It started with a story written by Founder and CEO Nicolle Ruitz using characters called NicoNotes and they are now coming to an app for iOS and Android…

“There’s a musical staff and you can tap on the owl-like characters and you drag them onto the musical staff and start creating your song.  And then you can add music instruments that are called MIPs, music instrument pets, we have created all of the instruments so kids can really have a chance to learn about all of the different sounds and learn about the instruments as well and get excited about them.”

You can learn more about what’s in store at  You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Kids