A virtual friend to help you shop? I’m Fred Fishkin with BootCamp, your Techstination for gadgets and gear. It is powered by artificial intelligence. A chatbot designed to help you shop…either on your own or with a group. It’s called Kip. Co-founder and CEO Rachel Law says Kip provides recommendations and new ways to buy products….
“Unlike most search engines or Web sites, you can actually talk to Kip like your friend. So all you have to do is log into your favorite messaging platform, Facebook, Slack or Telegram, and then you just chat to it like you would any other friend on your friends list. So here’s the best part, which is that you don’t have to download anything. There’s no installing, there’s no sign up.”
You can check out a demo at Kipthis.com. It is designed to get better over time, learning the types of things you like. It understands emojis too. You can find us with archives, interviews and more at BootCamp.com. I’m Fred Fishkin.
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