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New toys taking to the air... Spin Master

Techstination feature for Friday, August 19, 2016

There are some new toys in the air.   I’m Fred Fishkin with BootCamp, your Techstination for gadgets and gear.    The folks at Spin Master have been making some fun and durable r/c controlled flying toys with their Air Hogs line for years.   Now kids…and even some grown ups….have some cool new choices.   And with the latest Start Trek movie on the big screen, Spin Master’s Candice Garraway says…

“After fifty years, we’re actually really proud that we’re the first company to ever actually create a flying Enterprise.  There’s never been one on the market so Spin Master’s very, very proud.  And Air Hogs has worked tireless hours just to get the actual Enterprise to its replicate.  Right now with our play labs we’ve noticed that people are actually really, really appreciative that we focused on the detail of the real Enterprise.”

The price…about 130 dollars.   The company is also making a flying Batwing…for Batman fans as well.   It sells for about 60 dollars.   You can find us at    I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Kids