Some sound gift suggestions for the night stand. I’m Fred Fishkin with BootCamp, your Techstination for gadgets and gear. iHome has been making alarm clock docking stations for years. Now they’re out with models for iPhones and Android devices that include the ability to charge multiple gadgets. Marketing Director Evan Stein says take the iBN350 ….
“It has a speakerphone built in. It has a one amp USB charging in the back, but also has new Qi wireless charging on top.”
Great for phones like the latest Galaxy models from Samsung. On the Apple side, there’s a clock radio with a built in lightning connector and a dock to charge an Apple Watch. If you want Amazon Alexa capability by the bedside, Jam Audio has a new Bluetooth and WiFi speaker, the Jam Voice, that includes Alexa…at the push of a button. Use your voice to set a wakeup time. And for kids, Big Red Rooster makes fun projection alarm clocks in the form of dogs, cats and dinosaurs. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.