Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Connected homes are definitely cool. But when you have things like connected door locks and other controllers around the home, you want to make sure that the equipment is reliable and secure. That’s been the focus at Nexia. The company uses wireless Z-Wave devices that connect to the Nexia hub. And with an app you have control …and it works with Amazon’s Alexa too. Nexia has added new HD cameras to the system, both indoor and outdoor. GM George Land…
“A couple of interesting features about the new cameras. On the outdoor camera, it’s got an onboard heater, so it works down in sub zero temperatures. They’ve got wide angle lenses on them so you have a very wide field of view. And they’ve got onboard storage so that you get full high quality recordings whenever there’s motion detected or whatever you want to trigger recordings.”
And what we like…is the reliability. You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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