Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Amazon keeps pushing Alexa everywhere….making it tougher on the competition. I’ve looked at a number of third party products that have Amazon’s Alexa built in. Some …like the OMaker Wow speaker and Invoxia’s Triby…work better than others. But look for those third party devices to get even better. Amazon has announced that it is making the high performance 7 mic voice processing technology that has made its Echo devices work so well…available to third party device makers. What does it mean for you…it means that more of the devices featuring Alexa will work from across the room. Alexa…isn’t that cool? By the way Amazon this month has been offering a five dollar promo code if you use an Alexa device to reorder something you’ve purchased before from the online super retailer.
You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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