Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Even in the dead of winter, you can still grow your own herbs, lettuce and more. And the folks at AeroGarden have been making their hydroponic gardens techier….with models now featuring WiFi to let you control them via your smart phone. That makes life much simpler…and says AeroGrow International Marketing Director Paul Rabaut…
“Right from the jump, you get to connect your AeroGarden to the free AeroGarden app which you can get for your Apple or Android device free from the app store. And that allows you to do the set up of your garden right from the app. It’s also going to allow you to get some of the features you know and love from your AeroGarden like reminders for when to add water or when to add plant food.”
Helpful..and it works even if your away so you can ask a friend or relative to help. Growing your own is healthy…and fun for families.
You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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