Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Tools and toys to help kids learn to code are everywhere these days. One of my favorites has been the Piper Computer kit…that first lets kids build their own computer….and then learn to code with it and a whole lot more. CEO Mark Pavylyukovskyy has been bringing the cigar box style kits into schools as well as homes…
“Inside of the kit we have everything you need to build your first computer. You have the screen, you have the wooden components, battery pack, the actual computer chip itself..the Raspberry Pi, breadboard, speaker, mice. In fact, there’s even a screw driver.”
Their eyes will light up along with the screen. Piper is designed for seven to twelve year olds and sells for about three hundred dollars… an investment that can launch a lifetime of learning. More on coding for kids to come.
You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
Categories: | Computers | Kids |