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Dynatrap battles mosquitoes & more without chemicals

Techstination feature for Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.     Tech to help de-bug your deck or patio.    Dynatrap   is designed to help you deal with mosquitoes, yellow jackets and other pesky insects without using chemicals or attracting beneficial insects like honey bees.    Various models are designed for indoors or out and for differing yard sizes…but they all work the same way.   Director of Sales and Marketing Julia Wallace…

“The Dynatrap mosquito and insect trap creates carbon dioxide.  And basically it’s a reaction between UV light and the titanium dioxide coating within the Dynatrap.  And that’s what creates that carbon dioxide…attracts mosquitoes and other flying insects to the trap. ”

Is it effective?   Yes.  But the difference isn’t noticeable immediately.   It can take several days.   But you won’t be spraying poison around.   You should know the UV bulbs are designed to be replaced every four months with continuous use.  

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Gadgets | Consumer Electronics