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Coronavirus underscores need for broadband access for all

Techstination feature for Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.     A survey conducted for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently showed the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on so many families with children.     One of the issues…is how many children simply don’t have the Internet access needed to attended classes remotely.   And that is even if they are provided things like Chromebooks by their schools.    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive VP, Dr. Julie Morita…

“I think what we’re seeing with the pandemic in terms of who is actually getting sick, who is getting hospitalized and who is dying…it is disproportionately impacting those households, those communities that have historically struggled in the past.   People in lower income communities, communities of color have really been hit hardest.  And so from an internet connection perspective, it’s the same groups that are being hit hard.”

Prompting calls, which we have heard before, for better broadband access for all.

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: General Technology News