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Bringing digital health technology to a toilet seat: Toi Labs TrueLoo

Techstination feature for Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.     A company called Toi Labs….spelled t o i…is bringing digital health technology to a smart toilet seat called TrueLoo.    It uses image sensing to detect potential health issues when you go to the bathroom.   It connects to WiFi and an app…that keeps data private until you decide to share it with medical professionals.   Company founder and CEO Vik Kashyap..

“Being able to create a very detailed, objective and digital and effortlessly collected record off all of this information, we think is going to have a profound impact on our ability to understand what is happening inside our bodies.”

Even, perhaps, when it comes to helping with early detection of some Covid-19 symptoms.  Find more info at

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: General Technology News | Consumer Electronics