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Some tech help for the garden from RotoShovel

Techstination feature for Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.        We’ve been spending some time digging up dirt on another company.    RotoShovel has created some helpful new technology for gardeners….an electric rechargeable shovel with a patented design that can help you get plants into the ground a lot faster and more easily.   Founder and inventor Rick Goren..

The RotoShovel is an auger built onto an electric drill motor with a battery pack.  It has a built on shovel thatkeeps it stable while you’re digging in the earth.”

Operations Manager Alexander Perry says there were design challenges..

“The power button and the chuck…they all have to be able to take getting dirty out in the garden and still function properly.”

We’ve been impressed.  The price …about 140 dollars.   Find more at 

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Gadgets | Consumer Electronics