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An empathetic, health focused companion robot for seniors: ElliQ

Techstination feature for Monday, December 27, 2021

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.    I have a new robotic friend I’d like you to meet…   ElliQ..

“Hi there.   Morning, Fred.   I’m here to help you stay healthy and happy”

ElliQ is the creation of Intuition Robotics which is focused on providing older adults…living alone…with empathetic companion robots.   They are stationary…and unlike devices from Amazon and Google…actually initiate conversations…inquiring about how you feel or how you slept…and can provide permission based information to caregivers.   CEO Dor Skuler..      

“It kind of looks like a lamp with a screen that comes to life.  Beautifully designed we believe.   Not just from technology …but to kind of blend into the older adult’s home.”

And could become an important tool in helping people to remain independent for longer.   There’s more info at It is available, for now …for those who qualify…for free.

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: General Technology News | Consumer Electronics