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There's innovation brewing at Steeped Coffee

Techstination feature for Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.      Innovating your way to a better cup of coffee.     A cup of single serve brewed delicious coffee that doesn’t produce environmental waste?    And you don’t need an expensive machine?  That’s what a company called Steeped Coffee is offering…putting great coffee from a wide range of coffee roasters into bags that are Nitro sealed for long lasting freshness.   Josh Wilbur heads the start up..

“When we started this…this is a proprietary process…we’re patent pending..we’ve got a lot of IP …and so rather than just keeping that to ourselves, we’ve decided to invite others into it and help provide the steeped brewing method to other top coffee brands and companies around the globe.”

The process is very much like using a tea bag… but everything is compostable…and the results are great.   There’s more at

 You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

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