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UVStand from Kensington monitor stand with sanitizing

Techstination feature for Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.     A new monitor stand with a built in UV C sanitizing compartment is the latest smart idea from Kensington…which has been helping consumers with information on keeping keyboards and mice germ free.   The UVStand can sanitize a wide range of gear…phones…tablets…keyboards…mice ….in about ten minutes.   Lisa Schuiteboer Shuler…and ergonomic specialist at Kensington ..

“If I’m going into the office and decide…you know I don’t really know if the person that used this before me is really germ free or really bacteria or virus free…I can put all of the belongings that are at that desk inside the compartment.”

And they’ll be germ free in minutes.   And because the UV C lights will only come on when the compartment is closed…it is safe.   Find more at

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Gadgets | Consumer Electronics