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Bird Buddy smart bird feeder on the way

Techstination feature for Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.   A smart bird feeder called Bird Buddy…is one of the products that took flight at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.   Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, shipping is due to begin next month.  It has a built in camera to capture images of visitors to the bird feeder…and identifies them as well.    CEO Franci Zidar..

“So you just put a bird feeder out there, you put some seed in it, connect Bird Buddy to Wi Fi and it will take photos of birds as they land and as they feed, recognize the species and fill out this beautiful collection of birds in the app.  So it’s all about kind of giving you some memories, some history of those visits that you normally would miss.”

Sounds like something to tweet about.  The price..about two hundred dollars.  There’s a solar roof option too.   Find more info…at  

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Gadgets | Digital Photography | Consumer Electronics