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Ancestry using AI handwriting recognition on latest census data

Techstination feature for Friday, April 15, 2022

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.      Using AI to analyze handwritten census data faster than ever before.   That is what Ancestry is doing.   It has developed new, proprietary handwriting recognition technology using AI…and is employing it to make information on the newly released 1950 U.S. Census available and searchable for free.   Azadeh Moghtaderi is Ancestry’s VP of Data Science and Analytics..and she says the handwritten records are available now and the searchable  data will be coming out state by state…

“There are a lot of people who have been waiting minutes and really get their hands on these records.  Now we’re going to be able to make them searchable by different fields.  Like you have the name and last name and occupation and age and gender.”

You can check it out at

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