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Motosumo brings online smart fitness to exercise bikes

Techstination feature for Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.      It doesn’t take an expensive exercise bike to take advantage of online classes and motivation.   A company called Motosumo has developed software that you can use with basically any stationary bike and any smartphone.    CEO and co-founder Kresten Juel Jensen…

“What that means for you at home, or in the gym or at the hotel is that if you have a bike, you just click on your phone, it will track how you ride by using the sensors inside your phone, the built in sensors, the gyroscope, the accelerometer.  And we’ll put that data up with a live stream from our instructor and they will be able to give you a real time feedback…put you on teams and games with other participants.”

There are many live classes to choose from and on demand sessions as well.  Very smart and fun….and affordable.   Check it out with a free trial.   For more head to

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Online | Mobile Devices