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Envision app becoming free for vision assistance

Techstination feature for Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.      Envision is a company based in the Netherlands that is using AI and other innovations to assist those who are blind or have vision impairments.   And now…it is making its app….that had cost a few dollars a month…completely free to those who need it.    And it has trimmed the price of Envision smart glasses….based on the Google Glass platform…to 25 hundred dollars.    The app itself can prove very useful to many.   Chief Technology Officer Karthik Kannan…

“We’ve been able to bring down the operational costs in such a way  that we can still run the company and still continue to improve the product while  giving away the app for free.  That’s because over the past five years we’ve been able to innovate a lot on the kind of AI that we use.”

You can find more information…at

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: General Technology News | Consumer Electronics