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Nature's Best Hope.. Young Readers' Edition from Doug Tallamy

Techstination feature for Thursday, June 22, 2023

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.  Make a difference in the world, starting right in your own backyard!  If you are looking for a way to get your kids involved and outside,  Doug Tallamy’s young readers’ edition of Nature’s Best Hope is the perfect way to inspire them to get started. From planting trees and native plants to joining local conservation efforts, kids can make an impact right at home.   In fact, Tallamy advocates Homegrown National Parks..

“We’re going to create a little park right where we live and the easiest way to do that, depending on where you live, is simply plant a tree, plant two trees, plant an acorn, it’s free.  And any child can do that and watch it grow.”

The adult version of Nature’s Best Hope, by the way, has been a New York Times best seller. And you can learn more at   You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Kids