Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. The THINKWARE BLUEVENT MUMU has arrived. And while it may sound like a woman’s garment from years gone by…it is actually a great addition for kitchens. The Thinkware Bluevent Mumu is an electronic composter with AI that stores scraps and when the bucket reaches a designated weight for your household, turns on, heats, grinds and vastly reduces the volume. You can use the compost in the garden too. The company’s Billy Alexandre says beyond that..
“One of the smart AI storage mode features that we have with MUMU, it will manage the inside temperature and the humidity to prevent the food from spoiling and becoming rotten.”
Until the composting cycle begins. We have been impressed. The price, about six hundred dollars. There’s more info at
You can find us at I’m Fred Fishkin.
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