ChatGPT brings Santa into AI world
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Looking for a last minute chat with Santa? ChatGPT has brought Santa into the world of generative AI. You …and maybe with the kids on hand…can have real time conversations….even ask him for stories or jokes. Jackie...
ChatGPTOpenAI, ChatGPT Santa, AI Santa, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
Fun holiday ideas from WowWee, Bucket Golf and BlendJet
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. More fun ideas for the holidays. WowWee is just out with a new spin on laser tag called VaporStrike. The game sets use toy weapons that fire a beam of light through a mist…for fun effects…and there’s sound and vibration...
WowWee, VaporStrike, laser tag, toys, Techstination, Gadi Pollack, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
GM OnStar returns with Santa connection...& ChatGPT too!
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. More techie ways to stay in touch with Santa this holiday season. GM OnStar is once again allowing kids to push the button in OnStar equipped vehicles or on the OnStar Guardian app….to communicate with you know who at the...
GM, OnStar, OnStar Santa, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear, ChatGPT
Snowy the Mouse book, videos and Santa tracking too (Monday, December 16, 2024)
tech, Tracking, NORAD, Susie, book, videos, Fred, Techstination, tracking, Kids, the, Santa, Snowy, Mouse, too, and, Snowy the Mouse book, videos and Santa tracking too, Online, Fishkin, gadgets, Bramhall, gear
PMI Kids World brings collectibles blending Barbie with the Stumble Guys (Monday, December 09, 2024)
PMI Kids World brings collectibles blending Barbie with the Stumble Guys, tech, toys, Barbie, collectibles, Guys, Fred, Omar, Techstination, World, PMI, Kids, the, with, brings, Stumble, blending, Dekel, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Snap Circuits offers range of STEM fun and learning (Friday, December 06, 2024)
offers, tech, toys, Circuits, Electronics, range, learning, Fred, Techstination, Conlin, Snap, Kids, STEM, Snap Circuits offers range of STEM fun and learning, Consumer Electronics, Consumer, and, of, Tim, fun, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Bluetooth connected Rubik's Cube ConnectedX (Tuesday, November 05, 2024)
tech, Bluetooth, Bluetooth connected Rubik's Cube ConnectedX, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, Kids, connected, Consumer Electronics, Rubik's, Consumer, Cube, ConnectedX, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Wall Crawler Gecko Hex Bots toy fun for Halloween and more (Friday, October 18, 2024)
tech, Wall Crawler Gecko Hex Bots toy fun for Halloween and more, Wall, Spin, more, for, Mark, Fred, Grote, Techstination, Crawler, Kids, Master, Bots, and, Hex, Halloween, Gecko, fun, Fishkin, gadgets, toy, gear
Furlings bring screen free plush interactive fun for kids (Friday, September 06, 2024)
toys, bring, interactive, for, screen, Fred, Techstination, Furlings, Kids, plush, Funrise, Furlings bring screen free plush interactive fun for kids, free, fun, Fishkin, kids, toy
Concerns about vaping as kids return to school (Monday, September 02, 2024)
tech, American, student, Lung, about, Concerns, Fred, Techstination, e-cigarettes, Kids, Vaping, as, Association, school, vaping, Concerns about vaping as kids return to school, to, Online, return, Fishkin, gadgets, kids, gear
Summer of Lifetime inspires kids in science, math and more (Monday, August 19, 2024)
a, SOAL, education, Princeton, in, Taylor, more, Summer, Fred, Techstination, Kids, Brian, Lifetime, U, and, of, science, inspires, math, Fishkin, Summer of Lifetime inspires kids in science, math and more, kids
New toys with tech on the way: The Toy Insider (Friday, August 16, 2024)
tech, New, toys, New toys with tech on the way: The Toy Insider, Fred, Techstination, Kids, the, The, with, Insider, way:, Fishkin, gadgets, on, Toy, gear
Princeton Astrophysicist Lia Medeiros on black holes and inspiration (Wednesday, August 14, 2024)
Princeton Astrophysicist Lia Medeiros on black holes and inspiration, lifetime, inspiration, summer, space, Astrophysicist, General Technology News, Technology, and, of, News, holes, on, SOAL, a, Princeton, Lia, black, Fred, Techstination, astronomy, Kids, Medeiros, General, astrophysicist, Fishkin
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Millions of school kids still without high speed Internet- T-Mobile making a difference (Tuesday, December 17, 2024)
Internet-, for, without, speed, T-Mobile, high, school, of, Cassie, Millions of school kids still without high speed Internet- T-Mobile making a difference, Million, kids, 10, all, tech, a, still, making, Fred, Techstination, TMobile, Kids, Millions, Project, difference, Slane, Internet, Online, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Still looking for techie toys? The hottest from The Toy Insider! (Tuesday, December 17, 2024)
tech, techie, toys, Still looking for techie toys? The hottest from The Toy Insider!, for, Fred, Techstination, Kids, Still, The, hottest, Insider, looking, from, toys?, Insider!, Fishkin, gadgets, Toy, kids
WowWee VaporStrike brings fun innovation to laser tag (Wednesday, December 11, 2024)
innovation, tech, VaporStrike, toys, Pollack, Fred, Techstination, Kids, WowWee, brings, laser, WowWee VaporStrike brings fun innovation to laser tag, to, tag, fun, Gadi, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Snowy the Mouse partners with NORAD for Santa tracking (Monday, December 09, 2024)
tech, Tracking, Snowy the Mouse partners with NORAD for Santa tracking, NORAD, Susie, for, Fred, Techstination, tracking, Kids, the, with, Santa, Snowy, Mouse, partners, Online, Fishkin, gadgets, Bramhall, gear
Meet the 13 year old winner of the 2024 Thermo Fisher Junior Innovators Challenge (Thursday, December 05, 2024)
Meet, year, for, Science, Scientific, project, learning, Challenge, General Technology News, Fisher, Technology, of, 2024, News, Maya, tech, 13, Thermo, Junior, Ajmera, old, Fred, Techstination, water, Jin, Kids, Tina, STEM, Meet the 13 year old winner of the 2024 Thermo Fisher Junior Innovators Challenge, the, filtration, winner, science, General, Innovators, Society, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Snap Circuits brings fun to STEM learning for kids (and more) (Friday, November 22, 2024)
more), tech, toys, Circuits, for, learning, Fred, Techstination, Conlin, Snap, Kids, STEM, brings, Snap Circuits brings fun to STEM learning for kids (and more), Tim, to, (and, fun, Fishkin, gadgets, kids, gear
Bringing Barbie and the Stumble Guys together (Tuesday, November 12, 2024)
tech, toys, Bringing Barbie and the Stumble Guys together, Barbie, Guys, Fred, Techstination, World, PMI, Kids, Omer, Bringing, the, and, Stumble, Dekel, together, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Toniebox adds audiobooks and more for learning and fun (Wednesday, October 02, 2024)
Drew, tech, Tonies, more, for, learning, Fred, Techstination, smart, Kids, Vernon, audiobooks, and, speaker, Toniebox adds audiobooks and more for learning and fun, Toniebox, fun, Fishkin, gadgets, adds, gear
Hex Bots unleashes fun with Wall Crawler Gecko (Wednesday, September 11, 2024)
tech, Wall, Spin, Mark, Fred, Grote, Techstination, Crawler, Kids, Master, with, Bots, Hex Bots unleashes fun with Wall Crawler Gecko, Hex, unleashes, fun, Gecko, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
American Lung Association warns for student vaping dangers (Tuesday, August 27, 2024)
tech, dangers, American, student, Lung, American Lung Association warns for student vaping dangers, for, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, e-cigarettes, Kids, Consumer Electronics, Vaping, Association, Consumer, warns, vaping, Online, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
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